God’s Plan



God has a good plan and he invites us to participate with him, providing opportunities for us to use the skills and passions he gives us at the right time and place.

I’ve always known that God has a sovereign plan for my life, but it often feels somewhat vague or disjointed. I catch glimpses of it here or there, but I don’t always understand how it connects to my day to day life, or how much of the time I spent working – specifically designing and coding – relates at all.

Then a few weeks ago I was reading the blog of a friend who is on missions in Southeast Asia. He mentioned the need for app designers and developers to help with a big project. I reached out, and as I learned more, it became apparent that this opportunity aligned almost perfectly with my experiences and passions.

As I step back and look at this situation, I am so encouraged, and hope that you can be too. Specifically, there are seven alignments that I would never have seen until God brought them all together.

  1. Place. Living in Vancouver I often feel spoiled compared to much of the world. However, this opportunity would not have come my way had I not been here and had the existing relationships I have, not to mention the training and past work.
  2. Readiness. Had this opportunity come earlier in my life, I don’t think I would have been ready, either technically or spiritually. God was working in me for this.
  3. Time. The opportunity aligned at a time when I have the freedom to make my own schedule, and can feasibly dedicate the hours needed.
  4. Skill. Almost all the projects I have completed in the past year or two directly relate to the support I am now providing, from a process, design and technical point of view. One project specifically is so similar it is hard to believe.
  5. Provision. Not only did God equip me with these skills, but through the projects he used to do so, he also provided financially for our family, enabling me to take this on now.
  6. Passion. The role I am playing is something I love to do; taking ideas from passionate individuals and turning them into working tech products, and something I really discovered just in the last year or so.
  7. Trust. Finally, this opportunity came at a time where I was strong enough in my faith and trust in God that I can dream big, knowing God will provide where we cannot.

You may not know what God is calling you to yet, but take advantage of every opportunity to learn, grow, and connect – knowing that God will use those gifts he has blessed you with to be a blessing, probably in a much bigger way than you could ever imagine!

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.
Philippians 2:13 NLT

~ Sean

Closed for now ... something new coming soon(ish).