


God's calling on our life includes our vocation, and it should result in work that looks different than that of the world.

“Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” Jesus replied, “‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
Matthew‬ ‭22:36-39‬ ‭NLT‬‬

As Christians, we have a unique calling, and it extends to our vocation; everything we do should glorify God, and share his love with others.

Given this calling, shouldn’t the way we work look different than that of the world? Shouldn’t our businesses be known for their contributions to humanity, or at least the community? Shouldn’t our bosses be known for how they treat their employees? Shouldn’t we be known for our generosity, humility and service within our organizations?

Sadly, as I examine my own work life, so often it does not look like this, but rather business as usual, with some good thrown in the mix.

This in no way means that we need to do these things to be Christian, but rather we ought to want to do these things because we follow Christ who did.

Personally I find it is so easy to get caught up in the day to day that as soon as I jump into my inbox, the daily motions of work set in; a week can go by without real action happening, even though I truly desire to do things differently.

My challenge to you, and myself more so, is to remember the importance of doing good through reading the Word, and then, planning the good to do, so that tangible action is made every week or even every day.

We can be different, but it will require a different mindset and different actions.

~ Sean

Closed for now ... something new coming soon(ish).