


No matter how busy life gets, fight to keep a sabbath rest.

“Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the Lord your God.”
Exodus‬ ‭20:8-10‬a NLT‬‬

In our culture today busy is the default state. We are busy with family, and busy with events, and of course, busy with work. We need rest more than ever, but it isn’t easy to find.

As an entrepreneur I find three challenges to my sabbath. They are all good things, but can easily become ultimate.

  1. Flexibility. With 9-5 no longer being the norm, it is easy for work to take place any time, which is great, until it becomes all the time. For those with a flexible schedule, making a recurring sabbath day is vital.
  2. Connectivity. With a smartphone and an internet connection, many of us get email 24/7. This means work can’t be turned off, especially if the office culture is one that assumes an immediate response. Clearly setting expectations for your sabbath day, and your lack of availability is important. And if you’re the boss, you must model this consistently.
  3. Opportunity. There are always so many things to do, and with limited resources, the more time I spend on the business, the better it should do. Taking a sabbath requires that I trust God to provide within the time I do work, and to not put my business success before him.

By taking a sabbath I find I‘m better rested for the work I have been called to, and more grounded in my faith that I seek to base my work on.

In this time of busyness I encourage you to fight for your sabbath and experience the rest God has planned for you.

~ Sean

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