Strength in Service



As Christians, we don’t lead by force or coercion, but through service and humility.

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”
Matthew‬ ‭5:5‬ ESV

I have always loved these words of Jesus and how completely counter-cultural they are. In God’s kingdom, the last are first, the weak are strong, and the poor are rich.

As Christians, we are called to model this kingdom through our lives, including our work, yet it isn’t something that comes naturally. I have read a verse about humility in the morning, and then responded with pride to a colleague in the afternoon, thinking my experience or title should command respect.

Additionally, most entrepreneurs and intrapraneurs manage a team as part of the job, so we must be extra mindful of how we lead. The world tells us to use our position and charisma to influence others, yet this is rarely the way a Christian should lead. Our strength should be seen in serving those who work for us, listening to them, and caring about them as a person.

I know this can be a difficult balance, as leading will require tough choices and executive decisions, but that is true of all the Christian life. This is only possible through saturating ourselves in Gods word and having others speak honestly into our lives.

As you think about your work and the people you interact with, I encourage you to think about how you can lead humbly, and even sacrificially, for the sake of letting your light shine.

~ Sean

Closed for now ... something new coming soon(ish).