Weekly Planning



Get the most out of each week by committing to weekly planning.

I am always amazed by the natural rhythms that God has built into his creation, from the daily rotating of the earth to the annual orbit around the sun. But those aren’t the only rhythms. God also gave us the 7-day week, with a time for work and a time for rest; each Monday bringing an opportunity start anew.

For the past two years my wife and I have sat down almost every Sunday night and done a week plan, with the goal of maximizing each week God gives us. It started as a simple way to coordinate meals, but has evolved into a routine I can’t live without.

Your week plan will vary by your season of life, but here are some lessons I have learned to make the most of it.

  • Create a routine. Having a scheduled time for planning ensures it becomes a habit. We find Sunday nights after the boys are in bed works for us.
  • Do it together. For those with a spouse, coordinating schedules and planning together can make the week run so much more smoothly.
  • Review the past week. Looking back is a great way to remember what God has done in our lives.
  • Start with prayer. We can plan all we want, but it is God who guides our steps. Start the week plan by praying for guidance.
  • Think personally and professionally. Our time comes from one bucket, plan what you need to do for work and life.
  • Connect. We all need community. I take this time to text friends and schedule time to connect. Even if it doesn’t work out for that week, the note is always appreciated.
  • Plan to do good. We all want to do good, but this is where you can actually make it happen. Think about a tangible way to serve a friend, neighbour or co-worker.

As you go through the week plan, it can be hard to fit everything in, especially staying in touch with friends. A mentor of mine taught me the trick of doubling up, that is doing the things of life with others instead of scheduling a separate event. For example, going to the gym, work lunches, or even grocery shopping together. Get creative!

The week plan revolves around a 7-day calendar. I started out with a PDF template, but now use the Passion Planner. Alternatively, this could be done with a calendar app. Putting everything into a time slot ensures your plan is feasible.

Finally, remember to leave slack time for rest and interruptions. It’s frustrating when our plans don’t seem to work out, but God has a greater plan than we could even imagine. So plan well, but leave the final decision to him.

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
Proverbs 16:9 ESV

~ Sean

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